I Agree | 70x95 cm Serigraphy | ed. 5/+1ap

II Demonstrate | 70x95 cm Serigraphy | ed. 5/+1ap

III Arrest | 70x95 cm Serigraphy | ed. 5/+1ap

I: Agree/II: Demonstrate/III: Arrest, is a triple serigraphy print that consists of drawings from various international newspapers depicting the moments of agreements between politicians, demonstrations against these agreements by different communities, and consequently the moments of arresting of the demonstrators. The project indicates the omnipresence of injustice, the normalization of it, and how these consequent processes attract only a momentous attention from us.
Sophie Dvořák takes her motives from the mass media of the daily newspaper. Her drawings have a strongly documentary character. In her presentation boards with the reproduced drawings she unravels the recurring patterns of the propagandized gestures, and their selective and manipulative use, and is thus questioning their claim of truth and their relative perception.
Işın Önol